How Gaelic churnalism works
Thug Gilleasbuig an aire an t-seachdain sa chaidh gun deach an
làrach-lìn ùr TurasG a chur air bhòg le othail mòr, "your essential
guide to cultural tourism in the greater Gàidhealtacht". It seems that:
- TurasG will encourage real and virtual visits to our rich and varied cultural landscape through the Gaelic language and culture (but only through the medium of English).
- Gaelic has been the language of Ireland and Scotland for over two thousand years (TurasG informs us), and is still alive and in common use in both countries to this day (but not used at all by TurasG).
- This beautiful and rich language gives both Ireland and Scotland a unique identity (but you won’t find any of it in this website).
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TurasG ga chur air dòigh - ceum mòr air thoiseach eile 'son Gàidhlig tro mheadhan na Beurla |
But it was the uncannily similar, In fact spookily
near-identical, ways in which the Scotsman, the West Highland Free Press and
the Stornoway Gazette reported this great stride forward for Gaelic which
particularly impressed Gilleasbuig:
Funding for the ‘TurasG’ website came [drivel all three august publications] through the CeangalG project, an EU programme which has been working since last year to build on the business and cultural links that already exist between the Gaelic speakers of Scotland and Ireland …
“TurasG marks a new departure in cultural tourism in these islands”, said project director Alasdair Morrison, “it’s the most adventurous and ambitious website and online resource yet produced to support the work of cultural tourism providers and enhance the holidays of tourists” …
“Our Gaelic culture is important to us in Inverness and the Highlands, as is tourism”, added Provost of Inverness Alex Graham. “TurasG will bring these together in an effective and practical way, allowing visitors to explore and enjoy the culture of Scotland’s Gàidhealtacdh [sic] and Ireland’s Gaeltacht to the increased benefit of both”.
an incredible coincidence! It’s almost as if these august newspapers had simply
reprinted unquestioned a press release written for them by CeangalG, unedited
and complete with howlers! As if journalistic professional standards could ever let that happen!
cò iad an fheadhainn a thug airgead seachad airson na h-iomairt iongantaich
you don’t have to ask by now?
Tha Gilleasbuig dìreach air faighinn a-mach (4mh an Gearran 2015) gun deach £864,000 às an sporan Eòrpach, gun bhruidhinn idir air airgead bho na buidhnean eile, a thilgeil mar na sligean dhan làrach iomraiteach seo.
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Chan eil dad agad ri bhòst mu dheidhinn, a mhuinntir Oifis Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa an Dùn Èideann! |
Tha Gilleasbuig dearg bhalbh, gun chomas bruidhinn!!
Tha mi a' faighinn togail dha-rìribh 's mi a' faicinn aodann Alasdair Mhoireasdain a' nochdadh anns na pàipearan a-rithist. 'S dòcha gun e Alasdair an duine as sgileil a bha riamh ag obair an lùib poileataigs chan e mhàin an Alba ach air feadh na cruinne-cè. Siuthad, a bhalacha, togaibh i, togaibh rithe h-aodach!!
ReplyDeleteA Ghruamag a ghaoil, Nach tu dh'fhas sgaiteach nad sheann aois? Cha leig thu leas a bhi cho searbh, ged 's tric is minig a dhiult Alasdair coir thu.